Love Day
Love day is just around the corner and a lot of focus can be on couples and how they can show each other their love. As I was thinking about this blog, I reflected on the meaning of love which according to a quick google search is “an intense feeling of deep affection”. Now when I think of the work I do with individuals, couples or families, this concept of having an intense feeling of deep affection is present and something we are all wanting in our lives. If we look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, love and belonging is a key piece to obtaining self-actualization. Therefore, instead of focusing on couples, I think it is important to reflect on the love we have for our self.
If we cannot love ourselves, how can we allow others to? We do, it is a bit of a bumpy ride. However, imagine if you could bring that same admiration, acceptance, and unconditional love that you may show to others as a parent, friend, sibling, child, or lover, to yourself. You would create space for the possibility of an even stronger, more fulfilling, intense, and deep connection of love.
Here are some ideas:
Make a list of 10 accomplishments in your life that you are proud of.
Spend time each week doing something just for you.
At the end of your day, reflect on what you are grateful for about yourself that day and why.
Write down what you love about yourself, what are your strengths.
Read daily affirmations.
Connect with people who make you feel good.
Mindfulness exercises (headspace has a great app and is on Netflix Canada).